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Creating a Smart activate_this Command to Automatically Activate Python Virtual Environments

wenx | June 12, 2024, 3:19 p.m.

Managing multiple Python projects often requires working with different virtual environments. To streamline this process, we can create a "smart" command that automatically activates a virtual environment when you are in a directory that contains …

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A way to show Django detail view in a Bootstrap modal

wenx | Nov. 6, 2022, 6:34 p.m.

When building this website's 'publication' page, I used bootstrap and wanted to display a list of items that open a modal when clicking on it instead of opening up a new page. I got a …

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About Me

Wen Xing

Research Scientist

I work as research scientist in the group of Thin Film and Membrane Technology, department of Sustainable Energy @ SINTEF

I speak Chinese, English and some Norwegian.